SI Founder Rajendra Gautam bags Peace Hero 2019

KATHMANDU: Nepali social worker and Founder President & CEO of Solidarity International, Rajendra Gautam has been declared the Peace Hero Nepal 2019 by Peace Museum. He was recognized with the Award during Peace Hero Recognition Ceremony organized at Hotel Tibet International on 16th Feb, 2019 for his social contribution and dedicatedly working on communal peace, rural development and sustainable development in rural areas of Nepal.

He is the pioneer of “PROJECT HOPE – One Child, One Donor Sponsorship Program” that provides educational scholarships to more than 1000 underprivileged children each year in rural districts of Nepal. Till date more than 7,500 school going children have been benefited from this project. Currently, Gautam is dedicatedly working on several projects for communal peace, rural development, and sustainable development.

Besides, Mr. Gautam reconstructed 20 new schools in response to Nepal earthquake to benefit more than 2,500 school going children in five districts of Nepal.

Gautam had also won the “Change Maker Award 2018” by German Alliance, “Social Recognition 2017” by Ministry of Finance, “Youth Award 2016” by Nepal UK Development Trust, “Social Innovation Award 2015” by Nepal Switzerland Innovation Center and “National Peace Prize 2013” by Ministry of Peace.

Apart from Gautam, seven other renowned social personalities of Nepal such as CNN Hero 2010 Anuradha Koirala, CNN Super Hero 2016 Pushpa Basnet, Magsaysay Award Winner 2007 Mahabir Pun, Eye Surgeon from Nepal Sanduk Ruit, Media Person Rabi Lamichhane, Actors and Social Activists Sitaram Kattel/ Kunjana Ghimire, Peace Activist & UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador to Nepal Ani Choying Drolma had been nominated for the title.

School going children of Udaya Secondary School, Gulmi receives Hope Scholarship

Dec 22, 2018 – Gulmi, Solidarity International accomplished ‘Project HOPE 2018’ to the students of Udaya Secondary School of Chandrakot Gaunpalika-Shantipur, a hilly terrain of Gulmi district. The scholarship was provided to the students of backward community. From primary to secondary level students were provided with stationary materials, school uniform along with school bag.

The event was organized in the presence of President of School Management Committee Mr. Mimlal Shrestha, President & CEO of Solidarity International Mr. Rajendra Gautam, Senior Vice-President of Solidarity International Mr. Keshav Raj Subedi, President of Chandrakot Rural Municipality Mr. Dorna Khatri, School Teachers, Parents and Students.

The ceremony mainly dealt with the distribution of Hope Scholarship (Full Scholarship Includes – Stationary Materials, Bags, sweaters, Dress etc) to 15 underprivileged, war affected and marginalized students of the school.

Scholarship was distributed by the SI President & CEO Mr. Rajendra Gautam and Senior Vice-President of SI Mr. Keshav Subedi to the students in collaboration with school teachers.

45 Students of Balbodh Lower Secondary School, Gulmi receives Hope Scholarships

December 20, 2018 – Gulmi, Solidarity International accomplished ‘PROJECT HOPE – a literacy program with a goal to provide Educational Scholarships to the school going children from grade 1 to 8 of Shree Balbodh Lower Secondary School of Chandrakot Gaunpalika-Jharkharka, a hilly terrain of Gulmi district. The 45 school going children of poor economic background received school uniform, sweaters, stationery materials, school bags and other school materials under Project Hope of SI.

The event was organized in the presence of President of School Management Committee Mr. Bhanu Subedi, President & CEO of SI Mr. Rajendra Gautam, Senior Vice President of SI Mr. Keshav Raj Subedi, School Teachers, Parents and Students.

SI Distributes Educational Scholarships to 50 Students in Baglung

Dec 19, 2018 – Baglung, Solidarity International distributed school uniform, sweaters, stationery materials, school bags and other school materials to 50 Poor and backward students of Shree Dhaulagiri Primary

School of Bareng -4, Salyan, a hilly terrain of Baglung district.

The event was organized in the presence of President of School Management Committee Mr. Amrit Gautam, President & CEO of Solidarity International Mr. Rajendra Gautam, Senior Vice President of Solidarity International Mr. Keshav Raj Subedi, School Teachers, Parents and Students. Altogether 100 participants were there in the ceremony.

प्रोजेक्ट झोला



प्रोजेक्ट झोला के हो?
नेपालका बिकट गाउँका अती बिपन्न बालबालिकाहरु विद्यालयमा नियमित नभएपछि बिभिन्न ब्यक्तिगत दाताको सहयोगमा प्रोजेक्ट झोला अभियान सुरु गरिएको हो । हामी २०१९ मा नेपालका ७ वटै प्रदेशका बिभिन्न बिकट जिल्लाहरुमा अध्ययनरत कम्तीमा एक हजार बालबालिकालाई झोला प्रदान गर्नेछौ । जस अभियानबाट हामी बालबालिकालाई नियमित बिधालय जान वकालत गर्ने छौ ।

कसरी सन्चालन भई रहेको छ?
यो अभियान ब्यक्तिगत दाताहरुबाट सन्चालन भइेरहेको छ । अर्थात १ जना ब्यक्तिगत दाताले १ जना विद्यार्थीलाई एउटा झोला उपहार प्रदान गरी वा एउटा झोला किन्नका निम्ती आवश्यक पर्ने रकम रु ५००/- (पाँच सय रुपैयाँ) संस्थालाई उपलब्ध गराउन सकिने छ । अभियानलाई रु ५०००/- (पाँच हजार रुपैयाँ) भन्दा बढी सहयोग गर्ने दाताहरुलाई सोलिडारिटी इन्टरनेशनलको आजीवन सदश्यता प्रदान गरीने छ । यस अभियानलाई ब्यबस्थित गर्न संस्थाका स्वयम सेवकहरु परिचालन गरिएको छ ।

२०३० ग्लोबल एजेन्डा:
एउटा साहसिक र विश्वव्यापी सम्झौता अर्थात दिगो विकास लक्ष्य २०३०, जसले सबै प्रकारको गरिबीको उन्मूलन गरी मानव, पृथ्वी र समृद्धिको लागि एक समान, न्यायपूर्ण र सुरक्षित विश्व निर्माण गर्ने परिकल्पना गर्दछ त्यो लक्ष्यको चारौ नम्बरमा अन्कित सबैका लागि समावेशी तथा समतामूलक गुणस्तरीय शिक्षा सुनिश्चित गर्ने र जीवनपर्यन्त सिकाइका अवसरहरू प्रवर्धन गर्न र दिगो विकास लक्ष्य २०३० प्राप्त गर्न प्रोजेक्ट झोला अभियान अन्तर्गत २०३० सम्ममा १००,००० बिधार्थीलाई झोला बितरण गर्ने लक्ष्य रहेको छ ।

प्रोजेक्ट झोलामा सहभागी हुने प्रकृया ?
सोलिडारिटी इन्टरनेशनलको कार्यालय वा ईमेल वा प्रोजेक्ट होलाका कुनै पनि अभियानकर्तालाई सिधै संम्पर्क गरी सहभागी हुन सकिने छ । प्रोजेक्ट झोला मार्फत ब्यवहारिक परोपकारमा सहभागी बनी समाज रुपान्तरणको अभियानमा जुटौ ।

संस्थाको सन्क्षिप्त जानकारी:
२००८ मा स्थापना भएको सोलिडारिटी इन्टरनेशनलले प्रत्यक बर्ष एक हजार बालबालिकालाई शौक्षिक छात्रवृत्ति प्रदान गर्दै आइ रहेको छ । भुकम्प पछी २० बिधालय पुनर्निर्माण गरेको संस्थाले अन्य सामाजिक क्षेत्रमा समेत सेवा प्रदान गरी बिभिन्न राष्ट्रिय तथा अन्त्ररास्ट्रिय सम्मान प्राप्त गरी सकेको छ ।

सहयोगको निम्ती:

A/C Name: Solidarity International Nepal
A/C No: 0700010014103
Branch: Gongabu, Kathmandu, Nepal

A/C Name: Solidarity Nepal
A/C No: 0660010015602
Branch: New Baneshwor, Kathmandu, Nepal

थप संपर्कको लागि:
सोलिडारिटी इन्टरनेशनल
काठमाडौं, नेपाल